Thoughts on: Dear Zachary

“Dear Zachary” could very well be the saddest movie you will ever see in your life. Just when you think things are starting to turn around and get better, the movie slams you back down, over and over again. What starts as a biography quickly turns into a true crime documentary, with an audience that is extremely emotionally invested by that point. Not only is it a true story, but everything from the filming, interviewing, producing, music, and editing was done by one family friend of Zachary’s father. It’s incredible how good of a job he did – especially with the editing. Bits of the narrative are cleverly hidden until they can have maximum impact, and the result is some really impressive pacing that keeps you constantly on edge.

The emotional turmoil "Dear Zachary" puts you through really can’t be described. The movie puts the complete annihilation of an elderly couple’s hopes and dreams on full display, and doesn't pull any of its punches. Moments like when they describe walking the body to the oven... it’s simply not possible to not be overcome with it all. You’ll be left a sulking wreck by the end, utterly exhausted. And you will be a better person for it.

Prepare yourself, watch it once, and then never watch it again.


PS. I recommend avoiding trailers for this movie. It's better to go in not knowing what to expect.


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