Thoughts on: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

In my mind, “Tucker and Dale vs. Evil” is the other half of a parody duo with “Cabin in the Woods”. While nowhere near as intelligent as Cabin in the Woods, it tackles the same absurdities found in modern horror, but from a great new angle: the “psycho rednecks” are completely ordinary people, and rather than being tragic heroes, the college kids are utter morons who manage to repeatedly kill themselves. It’s absurd, over-the-top, over-acted and silly, and all of it is completely intentional. The movie knows exactly what it’s aiming for from start to finish, and doesn't stray from it for a second. While the premise might not have been enough to last 90 minutes on its own, the decision to add an actual psychopath into the mix added perfectly to the parody and made for a great climax. In the end, it’s not as clever as Cabin in the Woods, nor does it pull off the impossible and parody the horror genre while also being a horror itself – it’s simply a comedy. There’s definitely nothing wrong with that though, and it keeps the laughs rolling without ever dropping the pace.



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