Thoughts on: Drinking Buddies

Drinking Buddies is a subdued drama depicting very real relationships. What might seem like an open-and-shut plot actually turns out to have a very human story. In fact it appears to be right on track to have a fairy tale ending, until you realise that it’s only 90 minutes long, not 120. It’s important to keep this mind, because the otherwise satisfying ending might come as a bit of a shock to some and feel very abrupt.

With a story like this, success rests almost entirely in the hands of the script and actors. Fortunately, Drinking Buddies delivers on both. The chemistry between Olivia Wilde and Jake Johnson is a pleasure to watch, and leaves the audience in no doubt that “Drinking Buddies” was a good title choice. The chemistry between Jake Johnson and Anna Kendrick is also great, but in a much more intriguing way. Their relationship shows just how much complexity can be involved when trying to define “love”, and avoids all the standard tropes for a relationship like theirs. The script supports the actors superbly, with dialogue that always seems natural and real.

In the end, it’s a slow-burning movie about very normal people living very normal lives, and that might not be everybody’s cup of tea. However it's a surprisingly original story, and that says a lot for a movie in the romance genre. It achieves what it aims for, and lends valuable insight into relationship archetypes that the audience could very reasonably find themselves in one day.



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